Hometown Choir

About the Choir:


Hometown Choir is a free choir made up of kids from the YMCA After-School programs at all Charlottesville City Schools! With a focus on having fun and expressing joy through music, Hometown Choir is a chance for kids to connect through the delight of song.

All students in our elementary programs join together at the end of the semester for ambitious performances at community events – meeting kids from varying backgrounds, learning the same songs, exploring music together, and raising their voices together in song. Its a blast!! Stay tuned to our social media pages for more information about these shows.

Support Roots & Wings:

“Being part of the choir was enormously valuable for my three children and for myself. It brought our family together with families that we don’t always have the chance to get to know informally. We are so grateful for the beautiful music our kids learned and performed!”

Kristen Clarens

“I’m a sucker for choral singing to begin with, and there hasn’t been a time I’ve seen these kids singing One Day together and not cried a little bit. It’s beautiful seeing them sing together.”

– Shawn, hometown choir parent

“The diverse group of kids, the choice of songs, and the ability for the students to collaborate with other schools provided a unique and fun way for my daughter to experience choir for the first time!”

– Jamie Price, Hometown Choir Parent

“Music makes you love others!”

– Magnus, Hometown Choir Student

Our Partners

Joseph and Robert Cornell Foundation
National Endowment of the Arts Black Logo
ymca logo
Barrett Early Learning Center logo
Macaa Logo
ymca logo
head start logo
Barrett Early Learning Center logo