

Please contact us at musicschool@frontporchcville.org or call us at 434-806-7062 to discuss class placement questions.

Classes must have a minimum of three students to run. In the event a class is cancelled due to low enrollment, the student has the option to receive a refund, school credit, transfer to another class, or apply the balance to private lessons.
Student initiated cancellations 72hrs before the start of the first group class in a session are eligible for a refund. Once a class has begun, students are not eligible to receive a refund or school credit for misses. Placement issues should be immediately resolved with the Director of Operations after first day of class.
If an in-session class is canceled by The Front Porch for any reason, the student will be notified, and a substitute will be provided. If a sub is not available, a make-up class will be scheduled at the end of the session. Refunds or school credits will be issued to the purchaser’s account if a make-up date is not available.

Private Lesson Studio Policies

Our teachers reserve time on their schedules, plan for your lessons, and invest in the long-term development of each student. To provide regular, quality lessons, the following policies need to be observed.
Student Tuition:
A $25 non-refundable registration fee is due at initial sign-up after the trial lesson. Tuition is a flat monthly fee. Most months have four (4) or five (5) lessons, and on rare occasions, three (3) lessons when in observance of major national holidays. Tuition is due on the first of each month and is billed automatically to your credit or debit card via auto-pay.
Included in your student registration:
  • Regular weekly lesson time with your teacher, except when the studio is closed for holidays.
  • Two (2) yearly recital performance opportunities at no additional cost (Fall and Spring Student Showcases, on a first come first serve basis. Accompaniments are included in student registration).
*Educational materials, music books, instrument rental and other accessories are an additional cost.
Registration Cancellation:
Registrations may be canceled by emailing musicschool@frontporchcville.org. Cancellations must be received by the 15th of the month to take effect at the end of that month.
Example: Cancellation Form received on the 16th of May is billed for June and takes effect at the end of June.
There are no exceptions.
  • You may withdraw the cancellation at any time before it takes effect but your teacher and/or time slot cannot be guaranteed. A $25 returning student registration fee will be required to re-enroll once the withdrawal takes effect.
  • Active registration is mandatory to participate in our student showcase. All registration(s) will be withdrawn at the time of membership cancellation.
  • All Make-up Lesson Credit(s) on your account expire in 90 days from the cancellation effective date.
  • A $25 returning student registration fee will be required to re-enroll once the withdrawal takes effect
  • Student registrations are not transferable.
  • The Front Porch does not provide tuition refund under any circumstances.
  • The Front Porch reserves the right to terminate a registration, in which case prorated tuition will be refunded.
Students are expected to be punctual to their weekly lessons. Students who are late for a lesson cannot be guaranteed their lesson time.
Staff Canceled Lesson:
If a lesson is canceled by Front Porch staff a “Staff Cancellation” credit will show up in your account. You will have the choice between a make-up lesson (finding a time with your teacher outside of your normal slot) OR applying a monetary credit to your next billing cycle.
Missed Lesson:
  • No tuition credit or refund will be provided for missed lessons.
  • A Make-up Lesson Credit will be issued when a lesson is canceled with at least 24-hour advance notice (by emailing musicschool@frontporchcville.org and your instructor).
  • Cancellations made with less than 24-hour notice will not qualify for a Make-up Lesson Credit (this includes being sick the day of a scheduled lesson).
  • No more than three (3) Make-up Lesson Credits can be pending at a time per membership.
  • Your make-up lesson credit can be used to schedule a Make-up Lesson online or by email at any time with your teacher or another available teacher. Make-up lessons are scheduled outside of your normal lesson slot.
  • Make-up Lessons cannot be rescheduled.
  • Make-up Lesson Credits expire after one year for active clients.
  • Make-up Lesson Credit(s) expires 90 days after your membership ends.
Changing Teachers:
You may decide to change teacher or instrument with a minimum 14-day advance notice before the 1st of the month. We cannot guarantee your time slot if you choose to change teachers.
Summer (June, July, August):
You may put your private lessons on “Summer Hold” for up to two (2) months with a 14-day notice before the 1st of the month.
Your lesson time and teacher will be reserved only by pre-paying tuition for the returning month. (Latest resume date is September 1st). While on summer hold, students may purchase individual lessons by reaching out to the registrar.
Care of Students: The Front Porch is not responsible for providing before or after class childcare for students.
You assume all risk of injury or harm to the child(ren) or adult(s) associated with participation in musical activities at The Front Porch and agree to release, indemnify, defend and forever discharge The Front Porch and its officers and staff from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, and expenses in the unlikely event of injury sustained by your child(ren) or adult student during the course or as a result of their participation in Front Porch musical activities.
Photo/Video Release:
Unless requested in writing, The Front Porch is granted permission to take photographs/videos of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials Front Porch creates. Permission is also hereby granted for The Front Porch to copyright such photographs in its name.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
Policy effective upon enrollment. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Policies & terms are subject to change

Semi-Private Lesson Studio Policies

Our teachers reserve time on their schedules, plan for your lessons, and invest in the long-term development of each student. To provide regular, quality lessons, the following policies need to be observed.
Student Tuition:
A $25 non-refundable registration fee is due at initial sign-up after the trial lesson. Tuition is a flat monthly fee. Most months have four (4) or five (5) lessons, and on rare occasions, three (3) lessons when in observance of major national holidays. Tuition is due on the first of each month and is billed automatically to your credit or debit card via auto-pay.
Included in your student registration:
  • Regular weekly lesson time with your teacher, except when the studio is closed for holidays.
  • Two (2) yearly recital performance opportunities at no additional cost (Fall and Spring Student Showcases, on a first come first serve basis. Accompaniments are included in student registration).
*Educational materials, music books, instrument rental and other accessories are an additional cost.
Registration Cancellation:
Registrations may be canceled by emailing musicschool@frontporchcville.org. Cancellations must be received by the 15th of the month to take effect at the end of that month.
Example: Cancellation Form received on the 16th of May is billed for June and takes effect at the end of June.
There are no exceptions.
  • You may withdraw the cancellation at any time before it takes effect but your teacher and/or time slot cannot be guaranteed. A $25 returning student registration fee will be required to re-enroll once the withdrawal takes effect.
  • Active registration is mandatory to participate in our student showcase. All registration(s) will be withdrawn at the time of membership cancellation.
  • All Make-up Lesson Credit(s) on your account expire in 90 days from the cancellation effective date.
  • A $25 returning student registration fee will be required to re-enroll once the withdrawal takes effect
  • Student registrations are not transferable.
  • The Front Porch does not provide tuition refund under any circumstances.
  • The Front Porch reserves the right to terminate a registration, in which case prorated tuition will be refunded.
Students are expected to be punctual to their weekly lessons. Students who are late for a lesson cannot be guaranteed their lesson time.
Staff Canceled Lesson:
If a lesson is canceled by Front Porch staff a “Staff Cancellation” credit will show up in your account. You will have the choice between a make-up lesson (finding a time with your teacher outside of your normal slot) OR applying a monetary credit to your next billing cycle.
Missed Lesson:
Cancellation Policy:
Less than 24 hours’ notice. Student who cancels does not receive a makeup or refund. The class runs on schedule with only one student.
More than 24 notice:
You have two options:
1. Like a group class, you forfeit your payment if you’re not able to come. Class runs on schedule with only one student. You can think of this as a donation to The Front Porch and we thank you!
2. Like a private, you can have a makeup IF you communicate ahead of time with your class partner and decide to cancel together. This means neither of you come to the lesson and will each receive a makeup credit in your account. You will decide with your classmate on an agreed upon makeup date/time (different than the normal class time). You must be in agreement to cancel class before notifying The Front Porch. An email should be sent (with your classmate copied) to musicschool@frontporchcville.org.
Make-up Lesson Terms
  • A Make-up Lesson Credit will be issued when a lesson is canceled with at least 24-hour advance notice (by emailing musicschool@frontporchcville.org and your instructor).
  • Cancellations made with less than 24-hour notice will not qualify for a Make-up Lesson Credit (this includes being sick the day of a scheduled lesson).
  • No more than three (3) Make-up Lesson Credits can be pending at a time per membership.
  • Your make-up lesson credit can be used to schedule a Make-up Lesson online or by email at any time with your teacher or another available teacher. Make-up lessons are scheduled outside of your normal lesson slot.
  • Make-up Lessons cannot be rescheduled.
  • Make-up Lesson Credit(s) expires 90 days after student registration ends.
Changing Teachers:
You may decide to change teacher or instrument with a minimum 14-day advance notice before the 1st of the month. We cannot guarantee your time slot if you choose to change teachers.
Summer (June, July, August):
You may put your private lessons on “Summer Hold” for up to two (2) months with a 14-day notice before the 1st of the month.
Your lesson time and teacher will be reserved only by pre-paying tuition for the returning month. (Latest resume date is September 1st). While on summer hold, students may purchase individual lessons by reaching out to the registrar.
Care of Students: The Front Porch is not responsible for providing before or after class childcare for students.
You assume all risk of injury or harm to the child(ren) or adult(s) associated with participation in musical activities at The Front Porch and agree to release, indemnify, defend and forever discharge The Front Porch and its officers and staff from all liability, claims, demands, damages, costs, and expenses in the unlikely event of injury sustained by your child(ren) or adult student during the course or as a result of their participation in Front Porch musical activities.
Photo/Video Release:
Unless requested in writing, The Front Porch is granted permission to take photographs/videos of the students to use in brochures, websites, posters, advertisements, and other promotional materials Front Porch creates. Permission is also hereby granted for The Front Porch to copyright such photographs in its name.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.
Policy effective upon enrollment. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Policies & terms are subject to change

Parking is available for our Downtown location at the Water Street Parking Garage or the Market Street Garage. They offer the first hour for free. There is no charge to park in the Market and Water Street Garages on the following days: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. For more parking information, rates, and hours head here. Please do not park in the lot directly beside The Front Porch, it is privately owned and they often tow. Our Dale Avenue location has plenty of available parking. 


Yes.  We have a chair lift for our downtown second floor access. If you require wheelchair access please let us know at the time of class registration, or at the time of concert ticket purchase by emailing info@frontporchcville.org

Teachers provide online materials (that you can print at home) and/or videos to supplement the class. There are no physical lesson books/DVDs/CDs.

By registering for this class, I grant The Front Porch permission to photograph or video my/my child’s participation in The Front Porch’s music education programs. I also grant The Front Porch permission to use my/child’s likeness in a promotional capacity including but not limited to print materials, web site, print, online or out of home media and other medium now or later developed; as well as permission to share photography and video including my/my child’s likeness for use by media publications and institutions that fund The Front Porch operations and programs.


Privacy Policy 

Effective Date: 06/05/2024

This Privacy Policy explains how The Front Porch collects, uses, and discloses personal information about our customers, prospective customers, and visitors to our website at https://frontporchcville.org/. 


We collect personal information through a web form, during registration, while making a reservation, while setting up an account with us, when you contact us for customer support, or at checkout. Personal information we collect directly from you may include first and last name, address, email address, and phone number. 

Information collected from your device: Our website may use technologies such as cookies, web beacons, pixels, and other similar technologies to automatically collect certain information from your device including, for example, your IP address, date and time of your visit, browser and operating system information, referring website address, and other information about how you interact with the website. Our website may also use cookies and similar technologies to enhance your user experience and enable certain features such as keeping track of items you put in your shopping cart. Our email campaigns may also use tracking technologies such as web beacons, pixels and other similar technologies to automatically collect certain information such as your IP address, browser type and version, and email engagement statistics. 

Information collected from our partners: We may collect personal information about you from our third party partners and combine it with other information that we collect. Personal information we collect from our partners may include, for example, your demographic information, shopping history, and geographic location. 



We may use information collected about you for any lawful purpose, including the following: 

  • To provide you with our products and services, customer service and support, and other relevant information; 
  • To market our products and services to you, including by email and text message subject to your consent; 
  • To provide our website to you, to optimize our website, and to assist with our advertising and marketing efforts; 
  • To send you abandoned cart reminders if you added items to your shopping cart but did not complete check out; 
  • To comply with the law and to maintain the security of our website; or 
  • With your consent, or as otherwise disclosed at the time information is collected. 


We may share the information we collect with other parties, including the following: 

  • With third-party service providers to assist us with providing and marketing our products and services, such as payment processors, data hosting services, analytics services, online store support, advertising partners, and email service providers. 
  • With Constant Contact, to send email marketing and text message communications. For more information about how we may use your information with Constant Contact and the information that may be collected through our email campaigns, see Constant Contact’s Customer Data Notice available at https://www.constantcontact.com/legal/customer-contact data-notice.
  • With any affiliates or joint venture partners that we may have in the future. 
  • As part of a corporate sale, merger, or acquisition, or other transfer of all or part of our assets, including as part of a bankruptcy proceeding. 
  • If necessary to comply with applicable laws and regulations, to respond to a subpoena, search warrant or other lawful request for information we receive, or to otherwise protect our rights or the rights of third parties, or to protect the safety or security of any person or entity. 
  • With your consent or as otherwise disclosed at the time of data collection or sharing. 

We may share information that has been de-identified or aggregated without limitation. 

Our website may offer interactive features, such as the ability to leave reviews, that you can use to communicate with other website visitors or to submit and post your own content. If you disclose information in one of these forums, this information can be viewed, collected, and used by others.



We may authorize our advertising partners to use cookies and similar technologies on our website to automatically collect certain information from your device, and we may share information about you, your purchases, and your interactions with our website with our advertising partners. These partners may also collect information from other websites or apps over time, including information about 

relationships among different browsers and devices. Such information can be used by us or our advertising partners to serve more relevant targeted ads. For more information about this type of advertising and how to opt out of targeted advertising from our advertising partners, go to www.aboutads.info.

We may also work with third parties that collect data about your use of our website and other sites or apps over time for non-advertising purposes. We use Google Analytics and other third-party services to improve the performance of the website and for analytics and marketing purposes. For more information about how Google Analytics collects and uses data when you use our website, visit www.google.com/policies/privacy/partners, and to opt out of Google Analytics, visit tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.]

Your web browser may allow you to block or disable cookies; however, parts of our website may not function properly if you do so. 


If you wish to unsubscribe from our email campaigns, please click on the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of any marketing email sent from us. If you opt out of our email marketing, we will still send you messages related to our transactions and relationship with you, such as order confirmations. 

If you wish to stop receiving text messages from us, reply STOP, QUIT, CANCEL, OPT-OUT, or UNSUBSCRIBE to any text message sent from us. 


When you have an account with us, you may review, change, or update your contact information by logging into your account.



We may update this Privacy Policy at any time. Please review it frequently. 


If you have any questions about this policy or our privacy practices, please contact us at info@frontporchcville.org.


The Front Porch follows the Charlottesville City School system’s inclement weather plan. Students will be notified of all closings and delays via email. Announcements will also be made on social media.

Whichever you’re most interested in would be the best choice, you’ll be more likely to practice that way!
Generally, we have classes Mon – Thurs, but there are a few teachers who also teach on the weekends.

Group classes run weekly and you can set your own schedule for private lessons. You’ll get the most out of a weekly lesson. We highly recommend a group class for beginners. Once you start to nail down those basics it’s good to supplement in some private instruction to tackle any personal challenges/goals.


Payment is due at the time of registration. Group classes for teens and adults are $27/lesson, and $24/lesson for kids. We offer 30 minute ($38), 45 minute ($56), and 60 minute ($72) private lessons. Students can purchase one private lesson before they must commit to a package of six or more lessons. Visit our class pages to register for group or private lessons!


Group classes must meet a minimum of three students to run. In the event that a class is cancelled due to enrollment, the student can receive a refund, school credit, or can choose to transfer to another class.

School credits expire after one calendar year from date of purchase.

Refunds can also be issued if a student drops out of a class session 72hrs before the start date of the first class in the session.

Once a class has begun, students are not eligible to receive a refund. Placement issues should be immediately resolved with the Director of Operations after the first day of class.

We do not provide refunds for any processing fees.


Yes! Please click here for more information.

Please email info@frontporchcville.org to inquire about job opportunities.
If a class is canceled by The Front Porch for any reason, the student will be notified and automatically issued a refund to the purchaser’s account. Student-initiated cancellations are not subject to make-ups.

Vaccines are recommended but not required. All Front Porch staff are vaccinated.