Group Classes for Kids

A musical path that fosters a love of music, builds skills, and creates community.

Mini Maestros

Early Childhood Music for ages 18 months – 6 years
4 year old girl smiling during music class
Mini Maestros Toddlers
18 months – 3 yrs

Caregivers and children learn to love music through songs, rhythm, and movement. 

Mini Maestros Kids
Ages 4 – 6 yrs

Build upon musical skills learned in our toddler classes. New activities that incorporate the introduction & exploration of instruments.

Learn an Instrument, Join a Band!

6 year old boy sitting in a folding chair with grey sweatpants and a black sweatshirt playing a 3 string bright red guitar.
Hone Your Skills
Ages 6 – 8 yrs

Now it’s time to learn an instrument! Choose between ukulele, fiddle/violin, 3-string Loog guitar, or some of our amazing voice classes, like Disney Tunes or Musical Theater. Take the same class as many times as you like!

Play with Friends
Ages 9+ yrs

Even more options! Pick up an instrument or continue building skills on your instrument with any of our “beyond basics” classes and when you’re ready, choose band classes, songwriting, or recording!

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